Toronto’s Church Street Fetish Fair 2010 in pictures

Check out our photo gallery of the kinky event

Kinksters descended on Toronto’s gaybourhood on Aug 15 for the seventh annual Church Street Fetish Fair.

Bar patios extended onto the street, which was closed from Alexander to Gloucester. Community info booths and vendors lined the strip. Three entertainment stages were bustling throughout the day, with drag shows, music, burlesque and fetish demonstrations.

David Wootton, manager of the Church Wellesley Village Business Improvement Area (CWVBIA), which holds the annual fetish event, says the festival is about sexual expression and celebrating differences.

“The fair has a political agenda,” Wootton told Xtra in July. “It does brand this neighbourhood — it keeps the sex in the Village. We need to keep a certain amount of that so that members of the global community know we still identify with sexual freedom and sexual practice.”

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Culture, News, Fetish & Kink, Toronto, Canada

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