A taste of New York Pride

Two days after the New York State Senate voted to legalize
same-sex marriage, participants in New York’s 42nd Pride parade
on Sunday cheered, danced and celebrated. On July 24,
when the law takes effect, no doubt some will shed tears of joy.

Pride is always fun, but this year was special. A number of couples wore wedding
suits, faked proposals and carried placards with messages such as “Thirty years engaged. Let’s
get married.”

At the centre of the celebration was Governor Andrew Cuomo,
who made legalization of same-sex marriage part of his election campaign and

led the fight for its approval in the Republican-led Senate.

Go Cuomo.

Cuomo marched proudly down the New York streets with several
local politicians, including Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

Interesting that the mayor took to the streets to support
the rainbow flag. I wonder if Toronto’s Mayor Rob Ford should call Bloomberg
and ask for advice on how to support his constituents?

But back to New York — Cuomo was definitely the rock star of
the parade.

“I’ve been to the parade many times, and there’s always a
lot of energy and it’s always been a ball, but this was special,” he said.
“I think you’re going to see this message resonate all across the country now.
If New York can do it, it’s okay for every other place to do it.”

So, will other US states follow in New York’s

One New York Times
article puts it succinctly in its headline: “Beyond New York, gay marriage faces

Twenty-nine states have constitutional bans on same-sex
marriage, while 12 others have laws against it.

The push for same-sex marriage in Maryland and Rhode Island
died in the legislature earlier this year. In Maine and Oregon, the legislature
voted in favour of allowing gays to marry, but voters overturned that

Gay advocates hope, in the long term, to win the
legalization of same-sex marriage in Delaware and New Jersey, two states where
Democrats control the legislatures, as well as in Pennsylvania.


And in California, the fight for gay marriage continues with
the slow strangulation of Prop 8.

But, looking on the bright side, New York is the sixth and largest US state to
legalize gay marriage, and on July 24, the number of Americans who live in
jurisdictions where same-sex marriage is permitted will be double what it is now.

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