BY ROB SALERNO – Mariela Castro, the daughter of Cuban President Raul Castro, says that Cuba could pass a same-sex marriage law this year, given legislation currently under consideration in the national parliament.
Mariela Castro is the country’s premier sexologist and has long been a vocal advocate for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans rights in Cuba. She’d like the country to go even further than gay marriage and pass a law similar to one Argentina passed last week, which gives trans people the right to change their sex on their official documents.
Meanwhile, across the pond, it appears that UK Prime Minister David Cameron has quietly dropped plans to legalize gay marriage in that country by 2015, following stiff opposition from his own backbench MPs and the Catholic lobby. While the Home Office is still “consulting” on the issue, according to its website, it seems Cameron is planning to stop talking about it altogether. Even this week’s throne speech didn’t include any mention of it.