Condom Use…and The Castro

About six months ago Mr. Gay Canada Darren Bruce asked me if I would like to get involved was a volunteer with the Health Initiative for Men here in Vancouver. I said yes at the time, but they have waited until my tawdry background in that cheapest and sluttiest of professions (technical and strategic writing and communications) would come in handy..or condomy…to one of the organizations campaigns. Well, such a campaign is underway and I went to my first meeting yesterday to run some creatives by a committee of volunteers (yes, boys and girls and others, if you aren’t volunteering for your community already, you really should be).

Two of the committee members shared some YouTube video links that I want to post here. Condom use is a serious issue, not only here in Vancouver but pretty much everywhere. The following ad made condoms feel sexy to me and I wanted to post it here because it reinforces me to think about condoms positively. Leave it to the French to prophylactics seem hot and romantic at the same time:

On the other side of the fence, here is a commercial about Vinta crackers:

What does this have to do with HIM? Guess you’re gonna have to wait and see.

In other news, do you know any hot queers with substance in San Fran? Do me a favour and send them this notice. Tell them to get in touch with me.

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