Oral sex can kill you

Yes, you heard me correctly. Bad BJs no longer just kill the mood, they can literally kill you. Here’s what you need to know about HPV. And here’s the first video in a series by the BBC about HPV’s oral implications:

What doesn’t give you cancer nowadays? I’m pretty sure this just gave me eye cancer:

How does she keep getting movies?

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Busting the myths around transition regret and detransition

How many people regret their decision to receive gender-affirming care? Do people who detransition always regret their transitions?

What does U=U mean?

We break down ‘Undetectable equals Untransmittable,’ and what you should know about HIV treatment and prevention

Why can’t people stop fixating on ‘transition regret’?

OPINION: The mainstream “detransition” conversation is informed by transphobia, ignorance of trans history and collective denial of trans lives. Until we reckon with those realities, we won't resolve the debate

Sperm donation rules in Canada have changed. Here’s why that matters

Health Canada’s new regulations mean people won’t be prohibited from donating sperm based on their sexual orientation. But some restrictions remain