RuPaul Charles makes ‘Family Feud’ extra fabulous, Megan Rapinoe and Sue Bird are couple goals and Cate Blanchett said gay rights

Here’s what to expect from Xtra Weekly, May 29

Hi friend, here are some of the stories coming your way in this week’s Xtra Weekly:


The COVID-19 pandemic has been an especially difficult moment in time for LGBTQ2 people. Reports find Black LGBTQ people may be more likely to contract the novel coronavirus and suffer severe complications associated with it. Meanwhile, queer and trans folks face being outed in countries where LGBTQ communities are being scapegoated for spread of the virus. And in the U.K., queer and trans folks fear a contact-tracing app could put their safety and privacy at risk.


RuPaul Charles and his fabulous Drag Race crew are set to appear on what could be the gayest episode of Celebrity Family Feud. Plus, Megan Rapinoe and Sue Bird will host the ESPY Awards this year—with a new, heartwarming twist. And Cate Blanchett called herself a lesbian in a livestream with Sarah Paulson, making queer ladies everywhere swoon.

All these stories and much more in this week’s Xtra Weekly.


Survey says: Yaaaas queen!


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