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Welcome to the #BiWeek edition of Xtra Weekly. This week, we’re focusing on the Queen Bs of the LGBTQ2 community. So cuff those pants and master the tuck(ed in shirt), because our bisexual visibility edition is ready to set sail.
Bisexual representation There’s no greater joy than seeing yourself represented in the media. Here’s a list of bisexual characters on film and television, compiled by From Empire to How To Get Away With Murder to Mulan, the resource guarantees you’ll find shows and movies that see you.
Speaking of representation, revisit this validating piece by Mary Ann Thomas about how singer Janelle Monáe helped her explore queerness. There’s also Frederick Blichert’s ongoing search for bisexual guys in pop culture. If you’re looking for more bisexual icons, here are nine notable bisexual Canadians and nine of the most iconic bisexual historical figures.
Bisexual reads If you’re looking for more bisexual books, here’s a great list from Pride. It includes Kenji Yoshino’s 55,000-word opus for the Standford Law Review, “The Epistemic Contract of Bisexual Erasure,” Emily Alpert’s Los Angeles Times piece on why bisexual people remain closeted and more!
Bisexual health While there is less research on the physical health of the bi community, studies show bisexual women, when compared to their lesbian counterparts, are overrepresented when it comes to diabetes and hypertension diagnoses. Bisexual women are also more likely than lesbians to smoke cigarettes, abuse alcohol and engage in substance abuse. A recent study found bisexual women are seven times more likely to use cannabis on a daily basis than heterosexual women—that’s double the rate of lesbians.
Next week, look out for our upcoming feature on bisexual women’s health by Brianna Sharpe. In the meantime, revisit this deep-dive into the world of dental dams by Xtra’s senior editor, Eternity Martis, and why they need to be targeted to everyone, especially bi women.
Wait, there’s more! Click here to subscribe to Xtra Weekly for roundups of LGBTQ2 news, culture and stories.