Carleton GLBTQ Centre.
401 University Centre.
1125 Colonel By Drive.
The Carleton GLBTQ Centre (gay, lesbian, bi, trans and questioning) was founded in 1991 with the full support of the Carleton University Students? Association and with an operational budget and one coordinator, along with a mandate of education, advocacy, and support and to create a community of allies. The centre receives its operational budget from the Carleton University Students? Association (CUSA).
University of Ottawa Pride Centre.
85 University Private.
Room 215E.
613-562-5800 x3161.
The Pride Centre is funded through a student levy, passed by referendum in 2000. The funds are collected by the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa. The centre receives $1 per full-time student per semester, and $0.50 per part-time student per semester. A new referendum was passed in May 2009 allowing an additional levy to be collected from graduate students.