Cloudburst, directed by Canadian Thom Fitzgerald (The Hanging Garden,) is screening at The Mayfair after a long and winding road on the festival circuit.
The film is about two older lesbians making a break from a nursing home in the US to go to Canada, where they want to get married. It stars Olympia Dukakis in the lead role of Stella.
“Thom [Fitzgerald] says [the role of Stella] came from me,” Dukakis says. “He says that this rebellious combative person — I have a stretch of that in me.”
She says that even though lead roles for women-of-a-certain are few she doesn’t feel slighted. She points out that the biggest market for film is young men.
“It’s not morality — it’s a market thing,” she says.
Below is a video interview with Dukakis done earlier this year. Also interviewed are director Fitzgerald and actor Ryan Doucette.