Our sisters at fab magazine are running their annual gay sex survey. If you’ve got a few minutes to spare, check it out!
Photo: David Hawe
A message from one of fab’s associate editors, Matt Thomas:
“Are you as curious about gay men’s sexual lives and fantasies as we
are? Does fab cover the sexual frontiers you are most eager to explore?
Are your voyeuristic/exhibitionist impulses aroused? Are you ready to
get deeper and dirtier?The response to last year’s fab gay sex survey (here and here) was overwhelming, exciting and frequently surprising. Please take a few minutes for this year’s installment. Let us know your interests, kinks and curiosities. It’s totally anonymous, so don’t hold back. Tell the truth. The results and analysis will appear in fab’s Sex & Love issue, available Wed Apr 28.”
Fill out the survey at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/JGZRD67
or fill out a hard copy, found inside fab magazine on stands till Tue Mar 30, and send it back by mail.
Those fab boys even made a video promo! Watch it below: