prideHealth would like to know where you tipple

PrideHealth is looking for your help, and all you have to do is tell them where you like to drink.

The Capital District Health Authority (CDHA)’s public health unit, along with the provincial Department of Health and Wellness, are looking to launch an education campaign related to the ongoing syphilis outbreak among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Halifax.

The campaign’s main target will be online advertising, but posters in various drinking establishments are a key component of the campaign. That’s where you come in.

PrideHealth is asking MSM to tell them their top five bars in Halifax. In fact, anywhere alcohol is served — pubs, clubs, lounges and more.

“We want the campaign to reach as many guys as possible, so we want to know, ‘Where do you and your friends go to socialize,’” says Kirk Furlotte, prideHealth’s health-promotion intern. Furlotte mentions that they are looking for bars that may not be viewed as strictly gay or queer spaces, such as Menz & Mollyz, Reflections or Seadogs. “We’re already planning to go there,” he says. He also points out that individuals who participate don’t need to list five bars. “Even one or two would be helpful.”

As for privacy, Furlotte assures that your name and personal responses won’t be shared and will be deleted once all the information has been gathered. He notes that not every bar that is suggested will be guaranteed to be a part of this campaign.

Send your results to with your top five bars. If you’d like to know the final results, mention that as well.

Journalist, writer, blogger, producer.

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