Hogtown girls

The third and final installment of Lilith Fair kicks off Sat, Aug 21 at the Molson Amphitheatre. Tix cost $30.50 to $60.50 and are available at Ticketmaster. Here’s who’s playing in Toronto.

Main Stage, Saturday and Sunday:

Sarah McLachlan

Sheryl Crow

Indigo Girls

Dixie Chicks

Deborah Cox

Just Saturday:

K’s Choice



Just Sunday:

Bif Naked

Emm Gryner

Joan Jones

Diana Braithwaite

A dollar from each ticket goes to local charities. In Toronto, they are the Red Door Shelter for families in crisis and abused women, and Ernestine’s Women’s Shelter.

The contributor photo for Gordon Bowness

Gordon Bowness (he/him) is the executive editor of Xtra. With a 30-year career covering the LGBTQ2S+ community, Gordon is also the founding editor of Go Big magazine and In Toronto (now In Magazine). He is an English speaker and lives in Toronto.

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