Lesbian escorts, Indian porn and a Korean queen

Your Daily Package of newsy and naughty bits from around the world

Jerusalem Pride marcher dies of stabbing injuries

Shira Banki, the 16-year-old girl who was stabbed by a rampaging ultra-Orthodox man while marching in the Jerusalem Pride parade, has died of her injuries. In response to the stabbing, Israeli lawmaker Itzik Shmuli came out as gay, writing that “We can no longer remain silent because the knife is raised against the neck of the entire LGBT community.”

India clamps down on pornography

India’s government has ordered hundreds of porn sites blocked to prevent “social nuisance,” in the belief that pornography fuels sex crimes. The Indian supreme court refused last month to order all porn sites blocked, and said individuals should be free to watch in private.

Read more from Reuters.

Buckley vs Vidal

In time for the release of the new documentary Best of Enemies, The New Yorker examines the 1968 debates between pansexual writer Gore Vidal and conservative commentator William F Buckley. In a fit of anger, Buckley called Vidal “a queer,” losing his cool and thereby the debates in the eyes of many viewers. But has the way we see Vidal vs Buckley changed in hindsight?

Korean gay bar mogul turned ex-gay preacher

Jonah Lee was once a Korean gay entertainment mogul, drag queen and out gay man. Now, as a Christian convert, he preaches that gays can “escape” and be “healed” of their orientation. Lee’s journey into Christianity, write J Lester Feder and Jihye Lee at Buzzfeed, follows South Korea’s boom in evangelical Christian belief.

Agency: Lesbian escorts help women discover themselves

At one London escort agency, reports the Telegraph, wealthy women pay over $500 an hour for sex with a woman. Many clients, the agency says, are older women who want to discover if they really are gay.


Niko Bell

Niko Bell is a writer, editor and translator from Vancouver. He writes about sexual health, science, food and language.

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Power, News, Blog, The Daily Package

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