Twitter bros, a science prodigy and one hot firefighter

Your Daily Package of newsy and naughty bits from around the world

Gay porn veteran joins New York Fire Department

An ex-marine and paramedic who starred in several gay porn films has joined the New York Fire Department. The department told reporters that, yes, they know about Jonathan Jesensky’s film history, and, no, they don’t care where their highly qualified, top-ranking recruit has shown off his naked body. Jesensky, who goes by the screen name Jonathan West, says he is not gay and did the films as a job.

Read more at the New York Daily News.

Adorable 13-year-old comes out to best friend by text

“Youre awesome no matter what bro.” A Twitter user has shared a heartwarming set of texts between her brother and his best friend, who came out as gay. The boy who is coming out worries that there is something wrong with him and that his friend won’t like him anymore. But not to worry: “As a bro Im gonna stick by you,” the other boy responds. “Aint nothing wrong with being gay my friend.”

Read the whole conversation on Twitter.

First Baja gay marriage obstructed by officials (Mexico)

Two Mexican men hoped to become the first gay couple to marry in Baja California after the Supreme Court gave a special order allowing their marriage, but local officials refused to perform the marriage on Friday, citing incorrect paperwork. One of the men told U-T San Diego that the officials are just using “dirty strategies” to dodge registering the marriage. The two men, and their lawyer, say they will be back.

Read more at U-T San Diego.

Google removes “shoot the gays” game from app store

Google has pulled a game from its app store in which players shoot gay people, in response to a critical article by Gay Star News. In the online game, players kill naked gay men who are trying to molest them. Google does not review apps before allowing them onto the Google Play app store but does have rules about violence and hate speech. Google would not comment on the game.


Read more at Gay Star News.

Jack Andraka: Science needs more gay role models

Young gay people suffer from a serious dearth of role models in science and technology, writes Jack Andraka, a 17-year-old gay cancer researcher in The Advocate. Andraka says thinking about gay math genius Alan Turing helped him get through high school. “A modern LGBT scientist role model simply does not exist,” he writes. Andraka is particularly critical of Out magazine’s Out100 awards, where he was one of only three scientists recognized. “During an interview at this party honoring the LBGT icons of the year, it wasn’t my science that was discussed, but rather what clothes I was wearing and if I had a boyfriend,” he writes. “I was praised more for being young and cute than for finding a new way to detect pancreatic cancer. Never before have I felt more objectified.”

Read more at The Advocate.

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Niko Bell

Niko Bell is a writer, editor and translator from Vancouver. He writes about sexual health, science, food and language.

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Power, News, Blog, The Daily Package

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