If that headline had you gagging a little, the rest of this is just going to make things progressively worse for you.
By now, we all know what Santorum is, so I’ll give you the Seinfeld version of all this: Rick Santorum is an anti-gay bigot, yadda yadda Dan Savage yadda yadda Santorum now means shit-lube-ass-juice.
Can you believe it took people this long to capitalize off shit-lube-ass-juice by turning it into a cocktail? And can you believe I wrote this post just so I could see how many times I could type shit-lube-ass-juice and get away with it?
If you ever happen to be in New York City and you have a very specific fetish, you can now imbibe your very own Santorum cocktail at the Pacific Standard. The cocktail, though not actually made out of shit-lube-ass-juice, is a mix of Bailey’s and Stoli, which gives it a nice brownish tinge, and it’s topped off by chocolate shavings.
That being said, you may want to get someone to test it out for you. You know, just to make sure that it’s actually . . . edible.
Also to make sure that it’s not shit-lube-ass-juice.